Flask and shot glass set
In tribute to the TCAA's 10th anniversary, Scott Hardy created this flask and shot glass set complete with a custom-fitted bloodwood presentation box and sculpted bucking horse closure. The flask, with distinctive forward lid, holds 20 ounces of spirits and weighs approximately 3 pounds empty. This set required 330 square inches of sterling silver sheet, 217 inches of sterling silver wire and more than an ounce of 14K gold. The set incorporates design, spinning, forming, sawing, soldering (143 different steps), sculpting and countless hours of hand engraving. Hardy noted 'This project took every piece of artistic, creative and technical ability I posses and it was a beautiful journey!' Sale price: $35,700

Flask and shot glass set
The bloodwood box for the flask set is completed with a handengraved and filigreed sterling silver hinge. A sterling silver stop holds the lid in position when open.

The flask
The flask, with distinctive forward lid, holds 20 ounces of spirits and weighs approximately 3 pounds empty.

The shot glasses
The shot glasses, hand-engraved with 14K gold flower and sterling silver overlay scrolls, hold an ounce of spirits and weigh a ¼ pound each.

Sterling silver buckle set
The hand-engraved intertwining flowers form a garden of wild flowers on this three-piece sterling silver buckle set. The buckle is made for a ¾ inch belt. Sale price: $1,900

The reverse
The reverse of the buckle and tip are hand-engraved and the set screw of the tip has an overlaid sterling silver flower.

Sterling silver conchas
Scott Hardy created a special set of sterling silver conchas with bold, hand-engraved wild flowers and filigreed scrolls. Two are 1 ¾ inches and four are 1 ½ inches in diameter. They are displayed on a presentation strap created by Chuck Stormes and topped by a sterling silver concha overlaid with TCAA logo. This set was created to hang on the wall or breathe new life into a favorite saddle. Sale price: $3,000

Sterling silver buckle
This hand-engraved square sterling silver buckle is one of 13 projects Scott Hardy created for the TCAA exhibition, five of his own and eight collaborative projects. He made the statement, 'I really wanted to create this buckle to demonstrate how much fun a craftsperson can have with a beautiful piece of sterling silver, hand gravers and an imagination!' Sale price: $675

Three-piece buckle set
This three-piece buckle set of sterling silver is fully hand-engraved and created to fit a ¾ inch belt. It features flowers with 18K green gold pods. These flowers explode on the buckle pouring out filigreed scrolls that seem to consume the rest of the surface. Sale price: $3,700

The reverse
The reverse of the buckle and tip are hand-engraved and the set screw of the tip doubles as the seed pod of an overlaid 18K green gold flower.